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Yogurt Facial Masks

Banana Facial Masks. SSokolov/Shutterstock Who needs Botox when you have bananas? That’s right: You can use a banana as an all-natural, homemade facial mask that moisturizes your skin and leaves it looking and feeling softer.

Plain, live yogurt can make a good facial mask. Photo Credit: tashka2000/iStock/Getty Images

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A mask is an object normally worn on the face, typically for protection, disguise, performance, or entertainment.Masks have been used since antiquity for both ceremonial and practical purposes.

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Egg White Facial Mask # 2: Egg white yogurt facial mask is one of the best homemade natural face masks to tighten loose skin on face. To prepare this egg white mask, simply mix 2 egg whites, 2 tablespoons of yogurt, and 1/8 teaspoon of sugar together.

Reap the benefits of a yogurt face mask. The creamy mask will revitalize tired skin and fight common skin problems.

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Making your own homemade face masks and scrubs is relatively simple. Why pay for a store-bought face mask when you can use basic ingredients found around the house to make masks that cost pennies? In this article, I share my most popular recipes for six different skin types. You’ll be able to find

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While our summer days are numbered, the blotchiness and dryness you’ve picked up from the sun along the way may, unfortunately, stick around. Although we love treating ourselves to a fancy salon facial, there are plenty of quick DIY versions that are much easier on our busy schedules—and wallets

Aloe Vera face mask recipes, enjoy making your own refreshing and moisturizing facial masks

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Turmeric is a BIG DEAL in middle eastern cultures. Many Indian women swear by using turmeric in their beauty regime-I think they are on to something because Indian women typically have beautiful skin and age slowly.

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These DIY homemade cucumber face masks will make your skin happy and healthy, leaving a fresh, lively face behind!